enlarge the pie


Integration Services

Good preparation equals success & protection. In our Hot Topic news section you can read more about being prepared and getting yourself in the driving seat towards well-informed decision making, and the envisioned success.


So, if one prepares well, the chances of successful integration of (i) your to be sold business, (ii) the to be purchased business, or (iii) the to be otherwise integrated joint ventures, will dramatically increase if you have your Integration Strategy up and running, and up to date, prior you engaging in discussions or negotiations with the envisioned other party.


Enlarge The Pie helps out businesses in any phase of envisioned integration, as well as the actual post-merger integration ('PMI') phase. In any case, it is recommended this is initiated Pre-M&A, Pre-Change of Control, and Pre-PMI.


To initiate such assistance, we generally start with a fixed fee fixed scope Rapid Assessment. These can be purchased at our Customized Services Platform (CSP), www.zappliedCSP.com.


The outcome of this Rapid Assessment could lead - if you wish - to either (A) a Road to Change plan, and/or (B) a 100 day PMI plan, in which we include, based on tailored on a case to case basis, topics such as: 

  1. Status Quo
  2. Current Stategy, Mission & Vision
  3. Envisioned, Joint Strategy, Mission & Vision
  4. Operations & Management;
  5. People & Culture;
  6. Assets & Intellectual Property;
  7. IT & Technology;
  8. Finance & Tax, and;
  9. Legal & Risk-Management.

At Zapplied, we have intelligent and efficient methods and processes, also soft-skilled, to implement change and integration. Our focus will for instance be:

  1. Preparation;
  2. Feasible Goals & Rational Core Competences;
  3. Social Basis & Diligent Communication;
  4. Process Oriented Structuring and Optimalisation;
  5. Quick Wins, and;
  6. Focus on Envisioned, Sustainable Result.

We would love to talk to you about your Business Integration Plans, and our Customized Programs to help you.


Please also check the subsections of this 'Road to Exit' Menu, as well as the 'Start Up' and 'Growth' Menus. Thank you.


Zapplied: Smart Strategic Services you have never experienced before, but will find addictive. Ignore us at your peril.


Comments & Queries:


We would love to hear your feedback. Please address your queries to: info@zapplied.com. Thank you in advance for your attention and feedback.

Enlarge The Pie is a trademark of Zapplied B.V. | Email: info@zapplied.com

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P.O. Box 75407 | 1070 AK | AMSTERDAM | The Netherlands

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under the laws of The Netherlands, with offices in Amsterdam
(Dutch Chamber of Commerce number: 34381498).

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